Withdrawing from Care
I value our relationship and your family. Saying goodbye is VERY hard on all of us.
I love and adore your child. My entire heart goes into making sure they are happy, healthy, and secure while in my care. It takes a huge chunk of my heart when children withdraw from care. So please know that they are loved and special to me. I will miss your kiddo dearly when it's time to move on!!!!
Please talk with me personally without other parents around. You can also call me.
I require a verbal in person "30 days End of Care = 30-day EOC" withdrawal notice DURING BUSINESS HOURS ONLY; M-Th 7 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Upon receiving your withdrawal notice, if any tuition balance is due, I will send a final statement. If your tuition payment is not received within 24 hours of receiving your final bill, there will be a $25 late fee added, per child / per day before your child can return to care.
At the time of giving your withdrawal from care notice, your non-refundable deposit gets applied to the last days of care minus my earned PTO (personal time off). All tuition, registration fees, 30-day EOC, and deposits are NON-refundable. You use it or lose it.
It's hard to say goodbye - please don't:
text/email/leave a voicemail/etc saying you want to speak with me
text/email/leave a voicemail/etc ending care
contact me during non-business hours/vacation/time off
If it was your day off would you want your boss to text/email/leave a voicemail/etc, after hours or on vacation that they are letting you go?
We are all adults, we can have an adult conversations
I will provide you with as much advance notice as possible. If you decide to leave before the last date of care that was given, the 30-day notice will apply.
You are my voice in the community. After verbal notice I would greatly appreciate if you could provide a letter of recommendation that I can use for my website for new families to view
Watching over little ones is not a glamorous job but a valuable job!
Some topics to think about in a recommendation letter may be:
the love and care I’ve given to your precious little one and family
Teaching ABC’s, 123’s, sorting, colors, shapes, songs
keeping daycare very clean and sanitized
potty training
solving tantrums
bandaging scrapes
hugging tears away or tending to boo-boos
being available for late picks early, and early drop offs
and of course, all our favorite the changing of stinky diapers and throw-up clean ups :)
I reserve the right to terminate care immediately if I feel that there are safety reasons, custody issues, failure to pay, dis-respect, slander, un-necessary drama etc.
If child is picked up by someone in an impaired condition, depending on circumstances, care may be terminated immediately, and police will be called
I cannot under any condition put the people in my care in unsafe situations. Any tuition paid at that time is forfeited and non-refundable and any remaining balances are due immediately or $25 late fee per child / per day will be added.
All tuition, registration fees, and deposits are non-refundable.
You use it or lose it