House Rules
HOUSE RULES : Basic rules we encourage each day.
- Walking in the house
- Respectful words to one another
- Kind encouraging appropriate language
- Respectful and caring towards furniture, toys, etc.
- kindness to friends with hugs and helpful hand
DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES: The definition for discipline is training that corrects, molds and makes complete. It is important that each child experience success. Your child will be taught appropriate behavior which teaches your child to treat others with respect.
Young children are not capable of thinking in terms of “right and wrong”.
Children will be taught how to manage their feelings of frustration, by using words or sign language to express themselves. I teach that there are choices to make and that choices have good and bad consequences. Consistency and following through are the keys to success with discipline. I set consistent limits and boundaries for the children to work within.
If your child breaks or destroys anything in my home maliciously, such as toys, books, glass, decorations, furniture, etc., after being asked several times not to touch, throw, run, etc., parents are responsible to replace the item immediately. Items brought from home are easily lost or broken by the other children and causes TOO MUCH discord making the day unpleasant.
My discipline methods include:
- Talking through the problem, listening and understanding why the child feels what they are feeling
- Explain to a child that is upset, that he or she may express his or her feelings in an appropriate manner, and teach them how to do so
- Advise the child of the right choices to make
- Re-direct the child to a different area of play
- Discuss with parent/guardian the difficulty that the child is having. Growth happens when parent and provider are involved together in the behavior of their child.
- Your child will be treated with respect, and age appropriate behavior will be considered
- Time outs are given after attempts to correct behavior have been made.
- There is ZERO tolerance of physical violence that threatens any other children or providers
- Spanking or any form of corporal punishment is prohibited
I value our relationship and I wish not to end care with any family. I will always try to rectify a problem before ending care is discussed.
Possible reasons I may end care (either immediate or with adequate notice):
- Failure of child to comply with childcare rules after adequate attempts to resolve problems
- Lack of cooperation on the parents behalf to discipline their child or correct problems
- Hurting of others
- Failure to pay childcare fees promptly
- Parents continuously late in picking up child. I am here for you in case of an emergency, but if you are late due to personal errands ie. shopping, overslept, got busy around the house, doctor/vet appointment ran late, getting your nails done, your gym class ran late, you lost track of time, THESE or similar reasons ARE NOT acceptable for picking up your little one late. I expect that you make arrangements to pick up early if you think you will not be able to pick up on time.
- Parents lack to comply with policies
- Continual bringing of child when ill with infectious illness that endangers my health and others
- ANY dis-respectful treatment of my assistants, myself or others in my care
- If an issue between parties fails to be resolved
- There will be no refunds for ending care under these circumstances