Late Pick Up & Early Pick Up
LATE: I am pretty understanding when picking up late due to emergencies. But, if picking up late becomes common, a minimum fee of $20 per child is due plus an additional $1 per minute per child past your pick-up time. It will be added onto your upcoming bill. I too have a family, during non-business hours my family comes first.
EARLY: If you are planning any appointments, it is easier on your child and their day here to schedule appointments towards the end of their day. Afternoon appointments are preferable but not always doable. In that case pick up before naptime / 12pm or after 2:30pm so that it doesn't disrupt the rest of the kiddos trying to rest.
If you plan on picking them up for an appointment early, please plan to keep them for the rest of the day. It is disruptive to everyone and makes transitions for some children coming and going very difficult.
If your child needs immunizations/flu shot/etc a rule of thumb is to make those appointments on a Friday afternoon so that they have the weekend to recover at home should a reaction happen.
If you are picking up more than 30 minutes earlier than your usual pick-up time, and you want them ready to go, let me know and they can start to finish what they are creating and be ready to go.